Iskra Arena

Svit, Slovakia
Iskra arena is one of the oldest functioning halls in Slovakia. It was built in 1947 and has underwent various reconstructions. The lighting was still outdated and energy inefficient and required constant maintenance.
The modernization of lighting included a comprehensive lighting replacement and the integration of smart lighting control. The lighting is now divided into several modes according to the selected intensity levels - for standard training process, preparation matches, television transmission etc.
Customer Testimonials
"Iskra Svit and its youth academy have been raising representatives of Slovakia for a long time and thus providing a good advertisement for city. We try to bring the best possible experience to our fans, which was one of the reasons for the implementation of this project. The budget of the project exceeds 20,000€. Annual energy savings alone will be more than 60%. In all respects, this project should be beneficial not only for the club, but especially for our fans and the city. "